Skincare recommendations for other beginners

Check out the steps to maximize facial treatments as follows.

1. Avoid touching the face area

One of the skincare recommendations for young beginners that needs to be adhered to is to avoid touching the face area, especially with fingers that have not been cleaned. The reason is, often touching your face without cleaning it with water and soap can transfer oil, dirt, and bacteria on the surface of your fingers. This condition triggers the appearance of acne. This step also applies to those of you who are acne. Instead, avoid touching or squeezing the pimple. Because, squeezing pimples can trigger infection, damage skin tissue, and cause further inflammation.

2. Always remove make-up before going to bed

For those of you who use make up, make sure to clean it before going to bed at night. You can start cleaning your face with micellar water, facial cleansing oil (cleansing oil), or other facial cleansing products before washing your face. This is done so that dust, dirt, oil, and make-up that stick to your face after a day of activities can be removed perfectly. . Avoid sleeping with make up because this habit can risk clogging pores and triggering acne.

3. Use the right skin care products for teens

The next skincare recommendation for teens is to use the right skin care products according to your skin type. Make sure you use facial cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreens that are gentle on the skin. Choose a water-based or gel-textured moisturizer and sunscreen to prevent the skin from getting oily.

4. Do not share the use of make-up products with others

It is important to remember that you are not advised to use make-up products with other people. The reason is, this step can transfer bacteria between the skin, thereby exacerbating the condition of acne or skin problems that are being experienced.

5. Drink enough water

Drinking lots of water is also a skincare recommendation for teenagers. Thus, your skin will be well hydrated and look radiant.

6. Consume more fruits and vegetables

How to maintain healthy skin is not only from external care, but also from what you consume. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruit, and avoid oily and high-sugar foods can exacerbate skin problems during puberty.

Before using skincare for teens, first identify your skin type

There are various types of skincare recommendations for teenagers on the market. Each is intended for different skin conditions. So, so that your skin care results are maximized, you should first identify your skin type.

1. Normal skin

Normal facial skin is the type of skin that looks smooth and soft in texture. In addition, there are no red spots and no visible reddened and peeling skin.

2. Oily skin

If you have oily skin, your skin will look shiny and your pores will look bigger. Oily skin makes it easier for pimples and blackheads to appear.

3. Dry skin

Dry skin is sometimes a bit difficult to distinguish from normal skin types. But if touched, the skin will feel rough. Usually, dry skin becomes easy to peel and often feels itchy.

4. Combination skin

On combination skin, the forehead and nose area or better known as the T-zone area will look oily and other areas such as the cheeks, look dry. After knowing your skin type, then choose skin care products or skincare that are safe for teenagers according to skin type. Usually, on the packaging of every skin care product it is written that the product is intended for normal, dry, oily, or combination skin.

Keep in mind that the nature of each person’s skin is different. Sometimes, skincare products for teenagers that are used by one person are not necessarily suitable for use by another person. This is because the correct order of youth skincare also needs to be adjusted to the type and needs of facial skin. Thus, you can get the benefits of each sequence of teenage skincare optimally. You also don’t need to be surprised if there are one or two products that might make skin conditions worse. Immediately stop using these products and consult a doctor to get safe skincare recommendations for teenagers according to your skin problems.

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